Register - Click Preference Blow to READ more or on the 'REGISTER' TAB above to access and register your Interest for you or your young person to join any of our diverse range of activities
Lambeth Council:
Lambeth Made: and sign up for updates on their website
Children's Commission - Children's Guide to Coronavirus:
Public Health England: 'Looking after your feelings and your body'
23 March 2020 - Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces three-week UK lockdown
Our Core Activities:
We collaborate with local people, partners and secondary support sources to develop and run learning and capacity building opportunities that help children and young people to discover pathways that lead them to improving their life chances; for example, learning options that lead them to accessing more opportunities. We achieve this objective through co-production approaches involving young people, parents and partners to develop and offer diverse range of services on social housing estates in Lambeth. Each week, we engage with more than 250 young people in these core activities:

Youth volunteering scheme: offering local and European volunteering experience for 17-30 years needing extra-boost of confident/work experience to enhance their aspirations.
School holiday activities: including play scheme, add to increasing school holidays activities aim to improve experiences and reduce the impact of youth ‘holiday boredom’ and risk of anti social/youth crime involvement.
Targeted Activities: with local partners aim to increase opportunities and improve learning/personal development outcomes for young people at risk of being NEET and seeking to improve their entrepreneurship skills and life chances
Get In Touch
Community, Education, Foundation and Lyncx, We are open remotely from 10am – 5pm and all enquiries by telephone or email to:
Navlet Williamson:
Christian Johnson:
© 2020 CEF & Lyncx | The Community Education Provider. (CEF Lyncx) | Company Number: 8008832 | Charity Number: 1165623